Looking back at 2019

Thank you so much everyone! 2019 has been another wonderfully crazy year here. If we could sum it all up in one word that would be “collaboration”. We’ve been sharing skills, knowledge and working with others to create movements, communities and content.

Usually we’re found in the design and technology sectors but this year we branched out working across visual arts, crafts and with social enterprises. Partnering with Panel, Snook, Helen Voce, Neil McGuire and Alice Dansey-Wright we created a movement for craft in Scotland; MAKE Manifesto. We worked to create a community online and to drive people to the launch.

We launched Glasgow Print Fair this year alongside Maraid Design to create a home for contemporary print in Glasgow. We had over 2000 people through the doors, and filled a very dull Glasgow day with bright, bold printed things. Including creating work for newly arrived people to the city with Refuweegee.

2019 also brought loads of exciting new crowdfunding projects, this year we’ve helped people raise almost £500,000 across our different campaigns! We just added that up this moment and are a bit blown away by it!

Not to forget some brilliant branding work on projects launching next year, keep your eyes peeled.

We’ve continued to share as much of our knowledge as possible. We’ve guest lectured at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the Dyson School of Technology at Imperial College and Stirling University. We’ve written articles for the likes of Association of Illustrators and Mollie Makes on crowdfunding.

All this and we welcomed another Paved With Gold baby to the fold. Congratulations Richard and family!

Here’s to 2020 and more brilliant partnerships and exciting product launches. If you’re thinking you want to get us involved with one of your projects, get in touch and we can chat about it.