Gold Nuggets from Daisy Stapley-Bunten

We were delighted to be interviewed by Daisy last year for Startups Magazine. After meeting her and learning about her own story we knew we had to do the same! Here’s a little on how Daisy launched and grew Startups Magazine.


Tell us about yourself and Startups Magazine.

Startups Magazine is a print and digital bi-monthly publication launched in 2018 which endeavours to help startups connect the dots on their entrepreneurial journeys, I am the editor and founder and couldn’t be prouder of the success our team has had with this new publication and the wonderful feedback we have had from our community of tech startups.

What’s the one thing you wish you knew before you started Startups Magazine?

I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to have faith and not to stress as much, everything will work out and it will be a success, but equally in a way I think that it was the stress that pushed me to work harder towards success. 


What are your top 3 tips for building a community around Startups Magazine?

1. You need feet on the ground and preferably your feet. People buy people, your idea is an extension of yourself, and people can relate to your product if they can get on board with the person it came from. Go forth and meet your audience.

2. Don’t just get feedback, act on it. It’s great to say that you did your market research and got loads of feedback, but just how valuable is it if you don’t put it into action? Listen to what your audience is telling you. When we exhibited at unbound London someone said how they would like to see pictures of the founders, now we include a headshot in every startup interview. This may seem small, but as we grow, we will grow through the support of our community which has nurtured us along the way.

3. It’s not all about you. When working with new contacts and your audience, don’t think first what’s in it for you, this is the Year of Collaboration – work with people and create partners. These working relationships will be far more valuable to you in the long-term. 

What is the best bit of advice you have been given and who gave you it?

The best advice I have been given was from my brother, Thomas Stapley-Bunten, now a Command Qualified Officer in the Royal Navy, he taught me that whatever the situation, ‘use your initiative’. This mantra drives my decisions and has taught me to assert myself and trust my own judgement.


What’s your ambition for Startups Magazine?

I hope for Startups Magazine to be a resource that startups can turn to for inspiration, practical guides and a platform their stories and products to get valuable exposure.

We’d love to know what song motivates you while you’re working and why? 

We have a battle of the radio stations in our office, so it’s really hit and miss what I listen to, I’d rather a cup of tea for motivation than music any day!
